chestnut health benefits - Chestnut belong to the genus Castanea and come from beech
house. It has four genus viz. European, Chinese, Japanese and American
Chestnuts. These genus are very different from each other in their emergence
Chinese Chestnut flourishes slowly and has a wide emergence
but American and European ones are known for faster emergence and usually
extend erect and narrow in shape.
The palatable nut which is also called chestnut, same as the
tree on which it flourishes is contained in two shields- outer shell is
hard-bitten and thick and the one inside is thin and called Pellicle.
Chestnuts are solely seasonal, but nowadays the vacuum
parcelled chestnuts can be bought throughout the year. Chestnuts should not be
spent raw because they have a high contents of tannic battery-acid in their own
homes which will leave an extremely bad perceive and seem in your mouth.
This is why they are roasted or simmered with the second
largest and thinner obscure on it. The ensuing nut has a great perceive and
crispy texture.
They have a great versatility and can be used both in savory
and sweet foods. Chestnuts are used in the form of flour to become desserts and
as an additive in other sweet groomings. In savory foods, it is used in stews,
soups, casseroles and is favourite as a compounding with meat.
Chestnuts are not only good to perceive but are too laded
with a lot of nutritional goodness which we will unfold in the following
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Nutrition Facts of Chestnuts Energy 200 Kcal Carbohydrates
44 gms Paunches 1.3 gms Protein 1.6 gms Vitamin A 1 ug Vitamin B1 0.144 mg
Vitamin B2 0.016 mg Vitamin B3 1.102 mg Folate 58 ug Vitamin B6 0.352 mg
Vitamin C 40.2 mg Calcium 19 mg Magnesium 30 mg Iron 0.94 mg Phosphorus 38 mg
Zinc 0.49 mg Potassium 484 mg
Chestnut is high energy and low-fat nut. The minerals in
chestnut are predominantly present in moderate sums except copper and
It is a rich generator of vitamins and has 60% spray content
that performs it much healthier and different from other nuts. Nutrition chart
demonstrates the details of the synopsi of the nutritional form of chestnuts in
detail for a 100 grams performing. In a summary, Chestnuts fulfils 27% of
Vitamin B6, 15% of folate and 48% of Vitamin C's daily requirement as specified
by Institute of Medicine, US.
Apart from the nutrients demonstrated, it has a healthful
extent of fiber which is about 20% of our body's demand, manganese is 40% and
copper is almost 50%. Chestnut has almost a ended form of indispensable
nutrients necessary for various health benefits.
Health Benefits of Chestnut
The nutritional form of Chestnuts furnish with a great
health benefits and keep your body are working in the best possible manner.
It has a proven record of improving your body's defense system
called exemption, thereby creating an overall improvement in your health and
1. Dental Care& Bone health
We all know teeth the strongest bones in the body so it must
be said that what works for one works for the other as well.
Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals that are absolutely
essential for bone health as they make up the primary form of bones, however, a
healthful quantity of Magnesium is required for the other two to carry out
their function effectively.( 1, 2)
Magnesium forms the hard enamel around your teeth and
shields the bones from degeneration and disintegration.( 3)
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium- all the three are
present in chestnuts though calcium is on the lower side.
2. For Diarrhea
For problems relating to Diarrhea and the condition itself,
chestnut and specifically the chestnut tree bark has been found to be a very
effective remedy.
The water in which you evaporate the chestnuts along with
its shell or bark is rich in Tannins. Tannins, when taken in controlled sums,
can counteract you from Diarrhea.( 4)
A standard 3 spoonfuls of crushed bark or equivalent
chestnuts with shells in a liter of spray simmered for about 20 times and spent
in accordance with the arrangements of 2-3 beakers in a era is considered safe.
3. Respiratory Diseases
Cough, cold, Bronchitis and sore throat are some of the more
common respiratory milieu. In absces throat, cough and cold, the irritation of
throat can cause a lot of pain and pain.
There is also a persistent find of dryness which causes
itching. To get a comfort from this particular problem, physicians administer
cough syrups containing expectorant.
Expectorant signals the body to develop more hydrating
secretions that counteract the throat. Chestnut has the same belongings as that
of an expectorant.
4. Maintain Blood Vessel Elasticity
Chestnuts contain indispensable fatty battery-acids that are
required by our body and be drawn from the dietary generators. Chestnuts are
especially rich in linoleic battery-acid and have Palmitic acid and Oleic acid
that are safe for your body.( 5)
They have a low level of cholesterol and can be used to
creating down high levels of "Bad Cholesterol" or LDL in the blood
LDL can create sediments of medal along the inner lining of
blood vessels doing them strict over a period of time. Food parts like
chestnuts clear this medal and intimidate its formation ensuring resilience and
healthy structure of blood vessels.
5. Strong Antioxidant
A high-pitched extent of Vitamin C, Gallic acid, and Ellagic
acid become chestnut a strong and very effective anti-oxidant. Antioxidants are
required by the body to clean the poisons and free radicals.
Free progressives are produced in the body as a result of
the natural phenomenon of molecules reacting with active oxygen. An unchecked
emergence of free radicals mischief your cells, DNA and are responsible for
induce cancer.( 6, 7)
Chestnuts with their ponderous form of antioxidant
belongings detoxify your body and optimizes the immune function of the body.
6. For Loose flows
Loose flows or dysentery are also welcome to be checked by
tannin on chestnuts. The Same concoction that cures diarrheas are also welcome
to introduce a lot of comfort from persistent dysentery.( 9)
In fact, "its more" of a kinfolk remedy and a very
effective one very. It is better not to administer it to children and infant as
even a bit mistake in proportions can give them a ponderous dosage of tannin.
In India, it is used for De-worming as well.
7. Thyroid function
Thyroid in our cervix is most important endocrine gland of
our body. It raises two significant hormones called Triiodothyronine and
The thyroid adjusts the rate at which our body exercises
energy, performs proteins and controls our body's predisposition to other
The ellagic battery-acid in Chestnuts can help support the
Thyroid function where one knowledge hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid
function. Ellagic acid stifles the hormone secretion thereby creating a button
over the overactive thyroid gland.( 10, 11)
8. Aids Digestion
Chestnuts have a very high fiber content.
Fiber absorbs spray and performs the stools soft together
with lending majority to it. Bulkier and softer stools pass through the
gastrointestinal lot easily and faster. This avoids constipation and
constipation-related anal irritation and stacks.( 12)
Usually, the fiber in nutrient will not dally its role
properly if there is inadequate spray in the body.
But chestnuts have a high contents of spray as well which
performs it a excellent select for improving digestion with the right
combination of fiber and spray together.
9. Promotes Weight Loss
Weight loss of harmful force is a must, but it is equally
necessary to get it on in a right way.
An harmful regime for weight loss can cause a lot of damage
to the body in long run.
Diet and food are the most important part of a weight loss
program and chestnuts are best suited for it and for more than one conclude.
They are low on paunch but are high on energy quotient.
The inexhaustible fiber contents of Chestnut performs you
full and keeps you full for longer which naturally restrains appetite. The
mineral form and spray in chestnuts further controllers and replenishes the
loss of electrolyte if you are also on a ponderous practice programme for
shaving off the extra weight.
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Quick Weight Loss
10. Nurtures Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an important season for every lady, she is not
only responsible for the growing child inside her but too must be free to take
care of herself in best possible manner.
The changing fetus drains out and downs a lot of nutrients
from mother's body and this is why a pit rounded and adequate diet be necessary
during pregnancy.
Chestnuts provide calcium, Vitamins and important minerals
that become the bones strong, counterbalance electrolytes thereby preventing
from frequent cramping which numerous pregnant women know-how and stopping your
health in a good shape by warding off infections.
Chestnuts are also known to alleviate nausea which blights
the majority of members of pregnant women, especially in the first trimester.
11. Balance Electrolyte
The electrolyte is the fluid in our body and is made of
sodium, magnesium, potassium and carbonates.
An electrolyte as a word makes ions that can handling
electricity. In body too, they have a function of transporting
neuro-transmissions from the mentality to different parts of our body and
back.( 13)
Loss of electrolyte makes target naturally through our
excretions and sweating. Mainly it is our diet the remaining balance
electrolyte and replenishes the minerals contained in it.
Chestnuts contain safe and reasonable sums of Potassium and
magnesium that are necessary for the electrolyte. The liquor which carries
these ions calls spray and chestnut is 60% spray which can be further increased
by cooking it.
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And Facts
12. Heart health( Vitamin b6)
Along with Vitamin B1 2 and Folate, Vitamin B6 adjusts and
controls the levels of Homocysteine.
Homocysteine is a non-protein amino battery-acid whose high
levels are associated with irritation and damage to blood vessels. This amino
acid can cause severe barriers in veins leading to hazard of oxygenated blood
to the heart.
People with the levels of Homocysteine are prone to an high
jeopardy of heart attack and apoplexy apart from procreating stress on the part
cardiovascular organization which results in deterioration of its function.
Chestnuts are Vitamin B1 2 rich nuts that have a significant
amount of folate or folic acid in them that can help in detaining the onset of
13. The Vital Oxygen Carriers
Iron and copper are two important elements required for
blood and its production.
Blood basically is a vessel that vehicles oxygen to various
parts of our body. The ingredient called hemoglobin is responsible for this
function and is made of iron.
In fact, the blood-red shade of our blood is owing to the
presence of Iron. The other ingredient which moves oxygen to our body is
announced hemocyanin.
It is composed of Copper which binds oxygen molecule between
two of its atoms. Though not as effective as hemoglobin but hemocyanins are
extremely important for this function.Both of these mark metals are present in
chestnuts in adequate quantities.
In fact, those suffering from anemia can consume chestnuts
to facilitate this problem effectively.
14. Alleviates Stones
Oxalate is an Ion which is associated with increased risk of
developing kidney stones.
The calcium oxalate is specially blamed for the bark bladder
and kidney stones. The high levels of oxalate in our body are determined by the
nutrient we gobble. This is why a low-pitched oxalate diet is recommended to
curb the chances of developing stones.( 14, 15)
Chestnuts are a low-oxalate nutrient generator. The
potassium in chestnuts adjusts and control the liberate and dissemination of
calcium in the body. It ensures the deposition of calcium on bones with a
minimum quantity going into the blood stream thereby preventing stone
15. Astringent Properties
Chestnuts have anti-inflammatory belongings that make it a
great caustic owing to a ponderous contents of tannin in it.
Tannins can allay the surface both problems and provide
relief from swelling and sorenes compelled due to cry in body tissues.( 16)
It helps in faster healing of curves and soothes. This
character of Chestnut was particularly effective in plowing hemorrhoids.
Side Accomplishes of Chestnuts
Chestnuts are a very rich source of Vitamin B6 which is a
spray soluble vitamin. Though the the possibility of overdosing are rare in
cases of water-soluble vitamins because they are not stored in the body but a
long term high-pitched dosage of Vitamin B6 can cause mentality and gut
The excess intake on a persistent basis can be achieved
through spikes of Vitamin B6 which may result in health complications in the
long term.
Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction which causes asthma type
of evidences. People who are allergic to nuts must make sure that Chestnut is
suitable for them.
Many a eras an allergy may be caused by a certain class of
nuts only which performs other nuts safe. But as they say, better be safe than
sorry, so consult your physician before you take in a handful of them.