health benefits of cod liver oil - As the reputation shows, cod liver petroleum is a nutrient-dense petroleum. which is made from the petroleum found in the liver of cod fish. Dr. Ritika Samaddar, HoD- Dietetics and Nutrition, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, says," Cod liver oil is generally taken as a dietary supplement. It is one of best available new sources of anti-inflammatory Omega -3 fatty battery-acids( EPA and DHA) and contains relatively high quantities of vitamin A and vitamin D ." Harmonizing to the USDA, each teaspoon of cod liver petroleum has about 41 calories and 4.5 grams of fatten( divided between monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids ). Many adults and children can benefit from the daily intake of cod liver petroleum. Here are 10 powerful cod liver petroleum assistances:
1. Treats Diabetes
Dr. Manoj Ahuja, Fortis Hospital, says," Cod liver oil is a significant root of crucial healthful fats and facilitates restrain insulin fight, sorenes and glucose levels in the blood ." Harmonizing to a 2007 contemplate published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, applying cod liver petroleum supplements to diabetic rats for 12 weeks helped in analyse diabetes naturally.
2. Good for Eyes
" Cod liver oil contains Vitamin A which is good for your eyes. It facilitates the surface area of the eyes, mucous tissues and bark, acts as an efficient hindrance to ward off bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of gaze illness ," says Dr. Samaddar.
3. Prevents Respiratory Infections
According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, cod liver petroleum supplements decreased journeys to the doctor by 36 to 58% for upper respiratory illnesses.
4. Improves Immunity
Dr. Samaddar says," High Vitamin A content in cod liver petroleum are contributing to house immunity ." Vitamin A is a significant antioxidant that abbreviates oxidative stress( also called free radical expense ).
5. Lowers Risk of Cancer
" Harmonizing to many studies, the levels of Vitamin D( from both sun revelation and cod liver supplementation) have been associated with lower gambles of cancer ," supplements Dr. Manoj Ahuja.
6. Heart Healthy
Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat says," Cod liver oil is basically a fish petroleum, which contains the levels of Omega -3 fatty battery-acids and as such works against coronary thrombosis ."" Daily intake of cod liver petroleum can help prevent coronary atherosclerosis( a disease in the heart's major blood vessels )," supplements Dr. Ritika.
7. Offsets Cholesterol Levels
Dr. Samaddar supplements," Cod liver oil contains the levels of Omega -3 fatty acids that help in lowering LDL( Low-Density Lipoprotein ), the bad cholesterol and improves HDL( High-Density Lipoprotein, the good cholesterol ."
8. Reduces Anxiety
According to 2007 contemplate published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, Omega -3 fatty battery-acids present in cod liver petroleum improved the outcome of recession and suspicion in the general population.
9. Maintains Bone Health
Anshul Jaibharat says," Due to its high content of Vitamin D, cod liver petroleum is good for bone health ." Vitamin D is important for house and conserving strong bones.
10. Treats Arthritis
Cod liver oil helps reduce risk of osteoarthritis. It contains the levels of Vitamin D which help your intestines suck calcium from the food you gobble. It is important to get enough of both nutrients to make sure your bones are dense and strong ," supplements Dr. Samaddar.